We provide high quality support services to adults and children with disabilities who either contact us direct or are referred to us by professionals involved with them.
Elite Care Solutions Ltd is a Registered Domiciliary Care Service based in Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire.
Elite Care Solutions Ltd employ staff who care, not because they are paid but because they do care. We aim to meet individuals assessed needs which may entail practical or personal support for individuals who live in their own homes.
We are able to make appointments to meet the needs of the family members who may wish to be involved with the planning of individuals care packages.
Elite Care Solutions Ltd have highly motivated staff who have the relevant training and experience to undertake their duties and support requirements.
We are committed to providing a 24 hour service which is flexible as we believe the service users needs comes first.
Elite Care Solutions Ltd believes individuals and their families are experts of their own circumstances. Our role is to provide customised personal support to the service user enabling them to fulfil their expectations and aspirations, empowering them to make choices which affect them.
The service user is central to the planning process of any care they require and we aim to promote and reflect their values in the support plan.